Hey there! I'm a Director & VFX artist.

As a Director/DP with a background in VFX, I grew up in Kansas thinking filmmaking was one of the highest art forms, & saw my own bad videos at the time terribly, trying to learn & improve. I took my filmmaking personally; to me, it was more than making pretty pictures, it was something that reflected back on me. Today I've worked on national, regional, web commercials & brand films for fortune 500 companies as a vfx artist, lead, & supervisor, I've DPed two features, and have directed work that's gone on national TV. Stories matter. From the personal narratives we tell ourselves, to "mindless" entertainment that helps us forget about the day's troubles, to inspiring us think more deeply & connect with others. I do filmmaking because of the stories I was inspired by growing up, and I want to give that back to others. My goal is to try and find ways to make stories that matter for people who care, no matter the size or scale.

Learning something new everyday.
Drop a Smoke Signal.